

papersynthesis ~ handmade paper items & prints ~ florence, italy ~ Lisa McGarry





© 2011 Lisa McGarry                                                                                        ../Lisa_McGarry/lisa-mcgarry.com_HOME.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0








Bike on a terrace

PaperSynthesis-related work has been keeping me busy in the studio, so I don’t seem to be getting out of the house much these days. Every time I go anywhere with my daughter lately, she teases me that I’m acting like a blind person who’s just regained her sight. I admit I do feel a bit like a school kid on a field trip—or a bird free from its cage. But, as I’ve pointed out in The Piazzas of Florence, past Arzigogolare entries, interviews, etc., I’ve always found that all I have to do is “walk out the front door of our building” to find inspiration. 

Even when I don’t have time to go out into the city, standing at the window for a few minutes inspires me & gives me something new to think about. The little street that runs beneath the studio window is always full of people & goings-on: shop keepers chatting with one another, people walking their dogs, nonne returning home from the market, tour groups pausing for their guide’s insight into Palazzo Pitti, excited children out on class trips. I also enjoy looking at the terraces niched into odd spaces or poking out of rooftops. I like seeing how people use these rare, private outdoor spaces . . . the laundry they hang, the plants they grow, the junk they store, the projects they do. Today’s photo (at right) shows a bike that recently replaced one that had rusted beyond use (and which may well be on its way to suffering the same fate). The sun just barely grazing the railing is what caught my eye one recent morning; by the time I had finished photographing it, the light had already moved on to something else. 

The NaNoWriMo challenge has also been keeping me busy this month. While my daughter often rises at six to write before school (and has already put down nearly twice the number of words that I have), I don’t usually get to my novel until some time after 11pm. I am hoping the retreat we have organized for the weekend will give me a chance to catch up between continuing PaperSynthesis work. I’m anxious to learn more about the character I ‘met’ a few days ago!1.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0

Happy Weekend to everyone! I will be on a writing retreat for the next two days. Please check back here again on Monday . . .

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