
papersynthesis ~ handmade paper items & prints ~ florence, italy ~ Lisa McGarry











A Bouquet of Zinnias

In the Arzigogolare entry introducing my new ‘calendar’ for November’s bits & pieces of inspiration, I mentioned how, even though the colorful leaves may be falling, autumn tones are still brightening up the markets in the form of clementines, plums, persimmons, pomegranates, squash, pumpkins, etc.

But it’s not just produce we’re seeing in the shades belonging to this season. A few days ago, a friend brought me a stunning bouquet of zinnias. The combination of oranges, golds, reds—and everything in between—literally took my breath away. I can’t remember coming across zinnias during all the time I’ve lived in Florence, so they seem almost exotic. I suppose my last encounter with them was in Tovah Martin’s book,  A Time to Blossom (which I had mentioned in my May/June collage page last spring); I recall her writing about selling jars of colorful zinnias from a roadside stand as a child. I wish I could include an excerpt, but my copy is with a friend at the moment. (I really should have an extra one on hand to share.) Not only is it a beautifully designed book, but Tovah does a beautiful job expressing each flower’s distinct personality. The book is out of print, but used copies are available; click the image below.

A photo of the zinnias from my friend (captured a few days later, but they’re still gorgeous)

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